Your concerns are ours. We want to protect our community, our clients and our staff. At uncertain times during this pandemic we are vigilantly implementing enhanced protocols to ensure everyone’s safety.
We are closely monitoring the guidance of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and State of Hawaii proclamations/updates regarding the spread of the virus. Our focus is to ensure we meet customer needs while doing our part to keep you, our employees, and our communities safe.
Our mandatory Safety Sweep includes common touch points including:
- Seats
-Steering wheels
-Door handles, edges & pulls
-Adjusting knobs, levers, buttons and handles
-Various hard surfaces
We continue to KEEP it our policy to thoroughly clean & sanitize our vehicles between bookings. This includes our turndown staff using higher-recommended sanitizing products to cut down on the risk of illness. We instruct staff who feel ill to stay home and consult their healthcare providers. We are particularly being vigilant about frequent hand washing to ensure the cleanest rental vehicle reaches you.